The Slow Train to Freedom

By: Anna-Marie Cyrus November 4th, 1845 All aboard the Underground Railroad! Hang on, that’s not quite right. The Underground Railroad? Yes. Underground? No. A railroad with a train? No. So then, what is it? The Underground Railroad is supposedly a vast network of safe houses, predominately black abolitionists and routes, that leads runaway slaves to…

Suicide Under Slavery & Trust in God

November 11, 1835 “I hope that my death would leave God thinking something is wrong down here” Annie Coley said it with her teary eyes. Although vast number of slaves successfully escaped from their masters, it was different in Coley’s case.[1] Two weeks ago, she ran away from her slave owner in Virginia, hoping to…

The Execution of Nat Turner

November 11, 1831 Today will go down in history as an important day in upholding the dignity of the fine people of the South. Today the good will triumph over the sinful, the just will triumph over the unjust, and the powerful will triumph over the weak. Today in Jerusalem, Virginia, we will at last…

A Family Farm in Antebellum Alabama

September 28, 1814 What a beautiful time of plenty and prosperity are we experiencing here in Alabama! Every year brings about new opportunities for us. The joyous melody of the sweet word expansion is in the fresh air. Perhaps your neighbor or your brother has recently expanded or perhaps you and your family are enjoying…